Port Olímpic policies

The Port Olympic's mission is to offer the highest quality in all services to users, licence holders and clients who use its facilities, as well as to ensure proper environmental use by all our stakeholders.

See also the Barcelona de Serveis Municipals, S. A. Quality Policy.

The desire to provide excellent service has guided our growth as a port, and aware of the importance of protecting the environment as well as ensuring safety at work, we are committed to developing our business safely and with the utmost respect for the environment.

First and foremost, we are committed not only to complying with current legislation regarding health and safety and the environment, but also to going beyond those requirements in our everyday work to help preserve the environment, prevent injury and harm to health, and to further improve the services we provide.

Obert a Barcelona


As part of this business policy, the Port Olympic will adhere to the following principles:



Closely monitoring user feedback to ensure that high levels of customer satisfaction are maintained.


Monitoring and minimising the company’s environmental footprint, and occupational risks detected during our processes of continuous assessment.


Implementing measures to reduce the consumption of resources such as energy and water by efficient waste management. 


Providing the necessary information and means to enable all activities to be carried out safely and without posing any to the health of staff and all who use our facilities.


Promoting training and raising awareness among those involved in port activity: workers and suppliers. More specifically, in the case of port staff, a focus on environmental training and risk prevention to encourage their commitment to the project, and to achieving its goals. 


Informing users of the work that is being carried out and involving them as much as possible in improving the port’s environmental performance, as well as identifying potential health risks.


All these principles fall within a pollution prevention framework, which is in turn part of a philosophy of continuous improvement in terms of quality, excellence and environmental performance, and which will entail periodic reviews of this policy as well as the objectives established.


Sra. Olga Cerezo
Director of Barcelona Port Olímpic                                                                 
April 2020

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